
De-Germanize Yourself!

Write, Design, and Print your own Decolonial Dictionary!

Workshop day: 20.02.2022 12:00-17:00h

Public Presentation: 06.03.2022 At the Brücke-Museum / Waldraum Pavillon.

Open to all participants who want to understand the impact the European colonial past has on our daily lives.

To register, email:

DE-GERMANIZE YOURSELF Write, design, and print your own Decolonial Dictionary! We will gather words from all languages that have decolonial power, especially words which mix languages together. Together we will illustrate these words and publish them in a self-made magazine. Workshop day: 20.02.2022 12:00-17:00h Public Presentation: 06.03.2022 Both at the Brücke-Museum / Waldraum Pavillon. Open to all participants who want to understand the impact the European colonial past has on our daily lives. Registration: More info: Organized by students at the UdK Berlin.
Image by Destina Atasayar

(Für Übersetzung auf Deutsch: / türkçe tercüme için: / 翻译成中文: / para la traducción al español: email

Workshop description: 

We get people talking about topics that have gone under the radar due to invisible and stealthy structures that keep us oppressed and silenced.

We access our knowledge and inner creativity to discover ways we can liberate speech, by putting down expressions that we can mutually understand. We will gather words from all languages that have decolonial power, especially words which mix languages together

Together we will illustrate these words and publish them in a self-made magazine.  This will also inspire lyrics for a decolonial Hip-Hop workshop.

DE-GERMANIZE YOURSELF Schreib, gestalte und drucke dein eigenes dekoloniales Wörterbuch! Aus verschiedenen Sprachen und Erfahrungen werden wir gemeinsam Wörter mit Decolonial Power sammeln, insbesondere welche, die Sprachen vermischen. Diese illustrieren und veröffentlichen wir dann zusammen in einem Zine. Workshop am: 20.02.2022 12:00-17:00 Uhr Öffentliche : 06.03.2022 Beide im Waldraum Pavillon des Brücke-Museums. Offen für alle, die den Einfluss und die Präsenz von europäischer Kolonialgeschichte in unserem Alltag verstehen und untersuchen wollen. Anmeldung unter: Mehr Informationen: Organisiert von Studierenden der UdK Berlin.
Image by Destina Atasayar

The outcomes of this workshop will be presented as part of the public programme of the Brücke Museum’s exhibition Exhibition Whose Expression? The Brücke Artists and Colonialism.

Number of participants: Max 18

Languages: English and German. For other language requirements please contact us. We are happy to provide live whisper translation.

Covid regulations: 2G+ and with masks

Refreshments: We will do our best to provide food and drink, but it could get tricky with covid regs, so we advise to bring your own.

Transport: We shall provide a BVG day travel ticket for each participant. We will announce a meeting spot in central Berlin closer to the date.

DE-GERMANIZE YOURSELF编写、设计和印刷你自己的去殖民化字典!1.我们将从不同的语言中,收集具有去殖民主义力量的词语。特别是那些跨语种混合的的词语。我们将一起为这些词语绘制插图,并发表在一本自制的杂志上。2.Workshop day: 20.02.2022 12:00-17:00h 展览日: 06.03.2022 展览地址:Brücke-Museum / Waldraum Pavillon 3.向所有希望了解欧洲殖民史,并且深入探索,这段历史是怎样对我们现在的日常生活,继续施加影响的参与者开放。4.报名 5.更多信息 6.组织者:来自柏林艺术大学的学生
Image by Destina Atasayar

Accessibility: If you have any access needs, please let us know! Here is the access information on the museum’s websiteThe Waldraum Pavillon is quite cold and is several feet away from the museum, across a grass lawn.

To register, email:

De-Germanize Yourself Workshop Concept

We at UdK stand in solidarity with those affected by colonialism. Yes, colonialism is still happening and in many new forms. Marginalised groups have been pioneers of resistance and struggles for gender equality, civil rights, queer pride, anti-racism and climate justice. To them we are grateful.

DE-GERMANIZE YOURSELF ¡Escribe, diseña e imprime tu propio Diccionario Decolonial! Recogeremos palabras de todas las lenguas que tengan poder decolonial, especialmente palabras que mezclen lenguas. Ilustraremos juntxs estas palabras y las publicaremos en una revista hecha por nosotrxs mismxs. Día del taller: 20.02.2022 12:00-17:00h Presentación pública: 06.03.2022 Ambos eventos sucederán en el Brücke-Museum / Waldraum Pavillon. Abierto a todxs lxs participantes que quieran comprender el impacto del pasado colonial europeo en nuestra vida cotidiana. Inscripción: Más información: Organizado por estudiantes de la UdK de Berlín.
Image by Destina Atasayar

There is still much work to be done by all of us. It is only through the dismantling of patriarchal systems that we can offer healthier life trajectories, so that we can say in the face of patriarchy “enough is enough, because we are enough”. Before we can begin to dismantle harmful systems we need to look at ourselves and how we contribute to and uphold these systems. We shall be the change we want to see, we shall be liberated. This is our pledge.

More information on the day of events at the Brückemuseum.