digital seit 2020
digital seit 2020


We’ve gathered here some relevant arts projects, articles, scholarly references and Stichworte, and some “big mood” memes to expand on our open call for articles and artistic contributions to the theme of HYBRID REALITIES.

This moodboard is meant to give the vibe of the HYBRID REALITIES theme as well as show what we were talking about when we came up with it. It’s a messy space that we want to build up as the theme evolves.

SUBMISSIONS ARE OPEN so please send us your ideas for articles and artistic contributions, which can range from meme curations to personal essays to anything you like! Get in touch :-).

See you through the screen, your eigenart team.  šŸ˜˜šŸ¦¾šŸ‘½šŸ§‘ā€šŸ’»


Interactive Mood Board

Microsoft Mixed Reality


Since the 80s, Donna Haraway has been describing cybernetic organisms (cyborgs) as central queer feminist figures, a way for marginalised people to embrace their differences that hegemonic society has defined as ā€œunnaturalā€. 

Around this time, Homi Bhabhaā€™s Theory of Hybridity shifted postcolonial thinkersā€™ understandings of the effects of colonisation, globalisation, and migration culture, to abandon ideas of ā€œpureā€ or ā€œseparateā€ cultures, but rather that we all live in hybrid spaces that are affected by complex and odious colonial power structures.  Fifty years later these writings still speak to us.

Beam Technologies


  • hybrides Leben
  • Understanding life as an organic, complicated mix of digital/physical
  • The politics of visibility vs. security/support online
  • Memes
  • kompleX
  • Second world / second life
  • Digital economics
  • Science Fiction
  • Peeping / voyeurism through the screen
  • Media / real life play into each other
  • AR / mixed realities
  • How is it for people in their everyday in this hybrid world, their experience of that
  • Dreaming about online spaces
  • Digital worlds and escapism, when its seen as a opposite of the ā€œreal worldā€, and the two combined as a binary system (digital spaces as a utopia, a refuge)
  • Virtual role-playing games
  • Material infrastructure of the internet – internet’s protocols and infrastructures being built as a US-American military technology
  • 90’s cyberfeminist hopes for a democratic online space, online as the great equaliser – and how naive that seems now
  • Digital hybrid lives in relation to COVID: digital lives from a disability justice perspective. Many chronically ill and disabled people relied on technology to aid them, for example many people couldn’t leave the house pre-COVID and have a deep understanding of hybrid digital living that should be listened to.
Source: New York Times


  • The Metaverse šŸ¤¢
  • Boomer-generation journalists have tried to give language to this reality by defining the term ā€œdigital nativesā€ for millennials and younger generations, who have come of age in a digital world. The term is often used with wonder as well as displeasure.
  • Silicon Valley technologies such as augmented reality, Google Glass, or the Metaverse, corporations who want to guide your hybrid experience. Even simple instagram facial recognition filters.  Sometimes these attempts are very funny, like Beam Technologies.


  • Green Cube Gallery
  • Christine Wang
  • Bard Meme Lab
  • Avocado Ibuprofen
  • Alt Text Selfies by Shannon Finnegan
  • AI Gatekeepers Workshop by Ferment.AI
  • Mary Maggic
